Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 3 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC Ethernet Policy
Defining the FlexUNI/EVC Ethernet Policy
Figure 3-1 EVC Policy Editor - Service Type
Step 4 Enter a Policy Name for the FlexUNI/EVC policy.
Step 5 Choose the Policy Owner for the FlexUNI/EVC policy.
There are three types of FlexUNI/EVC policy ownership:
• Customer ownership
• Provider ownership
• Global ownership—Any service operator can make use of this policy.
This ownership has relevance when the ISC Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) comes into play. For
example, a FlexUNI/EVC policy that is customer-owned can only be seen by operators who are allowed
to work on this customer-owned policy. Similarly, operators who are allowed to work on a provider’s
network can view, use, and deploy a particular provider-owned policy.
Step 6 Click Select to choose the owner of the FlexUNI/EVC policy.
The policy owner was established when you created customers or providers during ISC setup. If the
ownership is global, the Select function does not appear.
Step 7 Choose the Policy Type.
The choices are:
• ATM-Ethernet Interworking
Note This chapter describes creating the ETHERNET policy type. For information on using the FlexUNI/EVC
ATM-Ethernet Interworking policy type, see
Chapter 5, “Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet
Interworking Policy.”
Step 8 Click Next.
The EVC Policy Editor - Service Options window appears, as show in Figure 3-2.
Step 9 Continue with the steps contained in the next section, Setting the Service Options, page 3-8.