Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 4 Managing a FlexUNI/EVC Ethernet Service Request
Setting the Service Request Details
Note The Job ID and SR ID fields are read-only. When the service request is being created for the first time,
the fields display a value of NEW. When an existing service request is being modified, the values of the
fields indicate the respective IDs that the ISC database holds within the editing flow of the service
Note The Policy field is read-only. It displays the name of the policy on which the service request is based.
Clicking on the read-only policy name displays a list of all the attribute values set within the policy.
Step 1 Click Select VPN to choose a VPN for use with this service request.
The Select VPN window appears with the VPNs defined in the system.
Note The same VPN can be used by service requests with LOCAL and PSEUDOWIRE core types. If
a VPN for a service request is used with VPLS core type, the same VPN cannot be used for
service requests with LOCAL or PSEUDOWIRE core type.
Step 2 Choose a VPN Name in the Select column.
Step 3 Click Select.
The EVC Service Request Editor window appears with the VPN name displayed.
Step 4 Check the AutoPick VC ID check box if you want ISC to choose a VC ID.
If you do not check this check box, you will be prompted to provide the ID in the VC ID field, as covered
in the next step.
When AutoPick VC ID is checked, ISC allocates a VC ID for pseudowires from the ISC-managed VC
ID resource pool. In this case, the text field for the VC ID option is non-editable.
Step 5 If AutoPick VC ID was unchecked, enter a VC ID in the VC ID field.
Usage notes:
• The VC ID value must be an integer value corresponding to a VC ID.
• When a VC ID is manually allocated, ISC verifies the VC ID to see if it lies within ISC’s VC ID
pool. If the VC ID is in the pool but not allocated, the VC ID is allocated to the service request. If
the VC ID is in the pool and is already in use, ISC prompts you to allocate a different VC ID. If the
VC ID lies outside of the ISC VC ID pool, ISC does not perform any verification about whether or
not the VC ID allocated. The operator must ensure the VC ID is available.
• The VC ID can be entered only while creating a service. If you are editing the service request, the
VC ID field is not editable.
Step 6 Check the Enable PseudoWire Redundancy check box to enable pseudowire redundancy (alternative
termination device) under certain conditions.
See Appendix D, “Terminating an Access Ring on Two N-PEs” and, specifically, the section Using N-PE
Redundancy in FlexUNI/EVC Service Requests, page D-3, for notes on how this option can be used.
Step 7 If the AutoPick VC ID attribute was unchecked, enter a VC ID for the backup pseudowire in the Backup
PW VC ID field.
See the usage notes for the AutoPick VC ID attribute in Step 7, above. The backup VC ID behaves the
same as the VC ID of the primary pseudowire.