Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Appendix C Setting Up VLAN Translation
Setting Up VLAN Translation
• Modifying a Service Request, page C-5
• Deleting a Service Request, page C-5
Creating a Policy
VLAN translation is specified during policy creation for L2VPN for ERS (EVPL) (with and without a
CE). The L2VPN (Point to Point) Editor window contains a new option called VLAN Translation. (See
Figure C-1.)
Figure C-1 VLAN Translation Option in the L2VPN (Point to Point) Editor Window
There are three options for VLAN translation:
• No—This is the default choice. No VLAN translation is performed.
Note If you choose No and you do not want to deal with any behavior related to VLAN translation
during service request creation, then uncheck the Editable check box. This is the
recommendation when you choose no VLAN translation.
• 1:1—1:1 VLAN translation. The VLAN of the incoming traffic (CE VLAN) is replaced by another
VLAN (PE VLAN). The specification of the VLAN translation is done during the creation of the
service request for the policy, as covered in
Creating a Service Request, page C-3.
• 2:1—2:1 VLAN translation. The double tagged (Q-in-Q) traffic at the U-PE UNI port can be
mapped to different flows to achieve service multiplexing. When you choose 2:1 VLAN translation,
the L2VPN (Point to Point) Editor window dynamically changes to enable you to choose where the
2:1 VLAN translation takes place. (See
Figure C-2.)
Figure C-2 Choose Where 2:1 VLAN Translation Takes Place
The choices for where 2:1 VLAN translation takes place are:
• Auto (This is the default choice.)
• U-PE
• N-PE
If you choose Auto, the 2:1 VLAN translation takes place at the device closest to the UNI port. The other
choices come into play only when there is more than one place that 2:1 VLAN translation can be done.
If there is only one place where the translation can be done, the choice is ignored.
The actual VLAN values are specified when you create a service request based on this policy. See
Creating a Service Request, page C-3.