Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 10 Managing a VPLS Service Request
Creating a VPLS Service Request with a CE
Note When you provision an ERMS (EVP-LAN) service (and when you choose a UNI for a particular device),
ISC determines if there are other services using the same UNI. If so, a warning message is displayed. If
you ignore the message and save the service request, all of the underlying service requests lying on the
same UNI are synchronized with the modified shared attributes of the latest service request. In addition,
the state of the existing service requests is changed to the Requested state.
Step 11 Click Select one circuit in the Circuit Selection column.
The Select NPC window appears. If only one NPC exists for the chosen CE and CE interface, that NPC
is automatically populated in the Circuit Selection column and you need not choose it explicitly.
Step 12 Choose the name of the NPC from the Select column.
Step 13 Click OK.
Each time you choose a CE and its interface, the NPC that was precreated from this CE and interface is
automatically displayed under Circuit Selection. (See
Figure 10-6.) This means that you do not have to
further specify the PE to complete the link.
Figure 10-6 NPC Selected
Step 14 If you want to review the details of this NPC, click Circuit Details in the Circuit Details column.
The NPC Details window appears and lists the circuit details for this NPC.
Step 15 The Circuit ID is created automatically, based on the VLAN data for the circuit.
Step 16 To edit values that were set by the VPLS policy, that is, the values that were marked “editable” during
the VPLS policy creation, click the Edit link in the Link Attributes column for a link.
The Link Attributes window appears.
Note For more information on setting attributes in this window, see Modifying the VPLS Service Request,
page 10-10.
Note For information on the Bridge Domain ID attribute, which shows up in some VPLS service request
scenarios, see Modifying the VPLS Service Request, page 10-10.