Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Appendix B Working with Templates and Data Files
Using Templates with Service Requests
When the data file is saved, the Template Datafile Chooser window appears with the newly created data
file listed.
Decommissioning Service Requests with Added Templates
This section describes how to decommission ISC service requests that have added templates.
Note For general information on how templates are used in ISC, see Chapter 6, “Service Design” and
Appendix D, “Template Usage” in the Cisco IP Solution Center Infrastructure Reference, 6.0.
As mentioned in the Cisco IP Solution Center Infrastructure Reference, 6.0, “Template commands are
treated independently from those associated with a service creation. Consequently, template commands
must be removed separately from the device(s) during a service decommission. To remove prior template
commands, a separate template is needed during a decommission process. Decommissioning a service
request does not automatically remove the original template commands. A separate negate template
needs to be added to the decommission process and the original templates must be removed. The negate
template must contain the necessary NO commands to successfully remove any unwanted IOS
commands added by the original template.”
The standard way to create a service request with a template added is as follows:
1. Define the service policy.
2. Build a template with a data file (and also a negate template and data file).
3. Create the service request with the template added. The steps to do this are covered in relevant
chapters of this guide.
4. Deploy the service request to which the template was added.
To decommission a deployed service request, including associated templates, you must perform the
following steps.
1. Create a negate template with data file (if one does not exist). This is used to remove the commands
imposed by the original template. For an explanation of negate templates, see Chapter 4, “Using
Templates” in the
Cisco IP Solution Center API Programmer Guide, 6.0.
2. Decommission the service request. The negate template will be picked up dynamically.
The service request remains in the Requested state, but changed to an Operation Type of Delete.
3. Deploy the service request. This decommissions the service request and downloads the negate
template, which removes the original template commands.
Viewing Templates from the Service Requests Window
In the Service Requests window, a paper clip icon appears in the Data Files column if a service request
has one or more templates associated with it, as shown in
Figure B-11.