Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 2 Setting Up the ISC Services
Creating and Modifying Pseudowire Classes for IOS XR Devices
Step 5 In the Description field, enter a meaningful description of less than 128 characters.
This field is optional.
Step 6 Choose the MPLS encapsulation type from the Encapsulation drop-down list.
Note Currently, the only encapsulation type supported is MPLS.
Step 7 Choose the transport mode from the TransportMode drop-down list. The choices are:
• Ethernet
• Vlan
• NONE (default)
Note If you want to set the TransportMode to Vlan, we recommend you do this via a pseudowire class,
if supported by the version of IOS XR being used. If pseudowire class is not supported in a
particular version of IOS XR, then you must set the TransportMode using a Dynamic Component
Properties Library (DCPL) property, as explained in the section
Configuring the Transport Mode
When Pseudowire Classes are Not Supported, page 2-13.
Step 8 Enter a Tunnel ID of a TE tunnel that has already been provisioned by ISC or that has been manually
provisioned on the device.
This value is optional. You can also select a TE tunnel that has already been provisioned by ISC, as
covered in the next step.
Step 9 Click Select TE Tunnel if you want to select a TE tunnel that has been previously provisioned by ISC.
The Select TE Tunnel pop-up window appears. Choose a TE tunnel and click Select. This populates the
TE Tunnel field with the ID of the selected TE tunnel.
Note After a TE tunnel is associated to a pseudowire class or provisioned in a service request, you will
receive an error message if you try to delete the TE tunnel using the Traffic Engineering
Management (TEM) application. TE tunnels associated with a pseudowire class or service
request cannot be deleted.
Step 10 Check the Disable Fallback check box to disable the fallback option for the pseudowire tunnel.
Choose this option based on your version of IOS XR. It is required for IOS XR 3.6.1 and optional for
IOS XR 3.7 and above.
Modifying a Pseudowire Class Object
This section describes how to modify (edit) an existing pseudowire class and how the editing operation
might impact L2VPN service requests.
To modify a pseudowire class, perform the following steps.
Step 1 Navigate to Service Inventory > Inventory and Connection Manager > PseudoWireClass.
The PseudoWire Classes window appears.