Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 10 Managing a VPLS Service Request
Creating a VPLS Service Request without a CE
Figure 10-10 Select PE Device
This window displays the list of currently defined PEs.
a. The Show PEs with drop-down list shows PEs by customer name, by site, or by device name.
b. The Find button allows a search for a specific PE or a refresh of the window.
c. The Rows per page drop-down list allows the page to be set to 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, or All.
Step 8 In the Select column, choose the PE device name for the VPLS link.
Step 9 Click Select.
The VPLS Link Editor window appears displaying the name of the selected N-PE/PE-AGG/U-PE in the
N-PE/PE-AGG/U-PE column
Step 10 Choose the UNI interface from the drop-down list. (See Figure 10-11.)
Figure 10-11 Select the UNI Interface