The Remote Control
control for both the processor itself and several aspects of the rest of a Classé-
based system. e buttons are arranged in logical groups according to their
functions. e remote control of the SSP is shown on the left. e numbers in
the drawing refer to the descriptions that follow.
1 Basic Functions
e four buttons along the top of the remote control groups the following
basic control functions:
• Light turns on the backlighting of the remote control for better
visibility under low-light conditions. After a few moments of
inactivity, the backlight switches o automatically.
• Info opens the Status display on the SSP front panel
touchscreen. See the Menu System section found later in the
manual for details about the Status display.
• Display cycles through the three brightness levels of the front
panel touchscreen display.
• Standby switches the SSP between the Standby and Operate
2 Audio Processing Functions
e next three buttons oer the following processing controls for the audio
• Lipsync is an audio-only function that delays the arrival time of
the audio portion of an A/V (Audio/Video) source. If the audio
and video portions of the source do not reach the speakers and
the display simultaneously, the resulting material appears to be
out-of-sync. Video processing often delays video signals relative
to the audio, with the result being that the audio track is played
too early. e Lipsync function allows you to delay the audio
until it is correctly synced to the video track. e adjustment
range is 0 to 150 ms. Lipsync aects all channels equally.
• NightengagesordisengagestheNightmodeforDolbyDigital
that reduces peaks and increases low-level passages so you can
still enjoy the full range of movie soundtracks but with less
chance of disturbing others.
• Mode displays the available surround modes on the front panel
touchscreen. Press the navigation arrow keys to move up and
down the list, then press Enter to make your selection. For
additional information about the surround modes, refer to the
Using the SSP-800/CT-SSP section found later in this manual.
3 Input Sel (Selection) Button
Tochangeinputs,simplyusetheInput Selection arrow buttons to step
through the inputs.
You can deactivate unused inputs to keep your input selection list smaller
and easier to navigate. Refer to the Menu System section found later in the
manual for further instructions.