Exceptional Design Features
e SSP-800 is a next-generation surround sound preamp/processor, conceived
disparate audio and video signal formats to faithfully reproduce your music and
movies as the artist intended.
custom theater eSSP-800isalsoavailableinaCustomeaterchassis(CT-SSP),specially
to the Delta series industrial design and may also be used on a shelf or in a
traditional cabinet by installing the supplied feet and front panel security tabs.
versatile connectivity eSSP-800/CT-SSPisaten-channelpreamp/processorwithbothbalanced
and single-ended connections for all channels. A comprehensive set of analog
and digital inputs and control interfaces enable compatibility with most
contemporary AV system equipment.
superior performance Advanced circuit topologies, component parts, and circuit layout techniques
combine for superior audio performance. Opto-couplers and low voltage
dierential signal (LVDS) pathways thoroughly isolate audio, video, and control
clean, dedicated power Analog audio circuits benet from a dedicated linear power supply based on a
low noise toroidal transformer. Digital and control circuits draw from a separate
low-noise, high current switching supply.
high fidelity audio Custom-congured digital-to-analog converters and output stage components
ensure exceptional dynamic range and resolution.
professional grade video eSSP-800/CT-SSPincorporatesprofessionalgradevideocircuitrythathas
extraordinary bandwidth and dynamic range. Due to this, it can handle even the
video is carried on HDMI, high denition component, or standard denition
cables, it is decoded and made available for display and preview. Reference
quality circuitry is used throughout the video path, delivering uncompromised
picture quality.