status e Status screen provides several items of information on the currently playing
disc, as well as access to information on the software used in and the internal
sensors of the SSP. While on this page, pressing the more key will access the
CAN-Bus features.
version info e version info button on the status screen takes you to the Version
Information screen, which displays information on various pieces of software
used by your SSP. If you ever have occasion to call our technical support people
to ask a question not covered in this manual, they may want to know precisely
what version of software your unit is running. Having this information available
will help enable them to give you the best possible service.
sensors e sensors button on the status screen takes you to the Sensors screen, which
displays information about several internal sensors within the SSP. It is unlikely
you might ever need the sensor information, unless directed to do so by a
customer service representative at Classé in order to help troubleshoot some
unexpected problem.
CAN-Bus Classé’sControllerAreaNetwork,orCAN-Bus,opensthewaytoanewlevel
of interaction between our Delta range of ampliers, preamps, processors and
a “global” network that delivers system wide status information and shared
operational features, all through the touchscreen display.
features CAN-Buswillallowasingletouchscreento:
• Displaystatusinformationforeveryconnectedunit,includingampliers
which do not have a touchscreen display.
• Createa“PlayLink”thatallowsanSSPorPreamptoautomaticallyswitch
to the correct input when a Delta series source component starts playback.
• Adjusttheglobalsystembrightness.
• Conguretheentiresystemtogoinandoutofstandbyatthetouchofa
button and also bring individual components in and out of standby.
• Muteanyconnectedunit.