Unpacking and Placement
We have taken all precautions, and made every eort to make the SSP simple
and straightforward to install and use. Still, we recommend that you take
a few minutes to review this manual. Even if you are having the processor
professionally installed, you will want to know how to eciently operate it to its
e SSP menu system includes features that provide you with a great deal
of ne-tuning. Still, we have no way to evaluate outside variables such as the
acoustical characteristics of your listening space and the associated equipment
of your home theater system. erefore, it is up to you to make the nal audio
adjustments for the optimum performance of your system.
For this reason, we strongly encourage you to have your processor
installed and calibrated by your dealer. e experience, training, and
specialized equipment they have can make a profound dierence in
the nal performance of your system.
unpacking your SSP CarefullyunpacktheSSP-800/CT-SSPSurroundSoundProcessoraccording
to the supplied instruction sheet. Do not forget to remove all accessories from the
Keep all packing materials. Transporting the SSP without using
the packaging specifically designed for it may result in damage
that is not covered under the warranty.
SSP-800 placement
Before installing your SSP-800 into the system, be sure to read the following
placement suggestions.
• DonotplacetheSSP-800directlyonthetopsurfaceofa
conventional power amplier or any other heat source. Also keep the
processor out of direct sunlight.
• PlacetheSSP-800sothattheIRwindowonthefrontpanelisclearly
visible and not blocked.
• Position
the SSP-800 in a central and convenient location for both
visibility and use. e processor is the hub for all other component
connections and generally your primary interaction point. In addition,
minimizing the cable lengths and hence reducing the amount of noise
• Leave
adequate clearance behind the SSP-800 for the AC cord and
connecting cables. We suggest six inches (15 cm) of free space to allow
cables sucient room to bend without crimping or undue strain