room equalization
and speaker control
All home theater sound systems are aected by room characteristics. Sound
reections and sound absorption can create dramatic variations in the
performance of your system, particularly in the lower frequencies. e
experienced acoustician, can help optimize the performance of your system.
flexible GUI efrontpanel’sLCDtouchscreensupportsanextremelyexibleand
versatile graphical user interface (GUI) while maintaining a clean, uncluttered
otherwise require dozens of buttons and knobs on the front panel. Despite this
power and exibility, it remains simple to operate in day-to-day use.
video preview e front panel touchscreen lets you view any selected video source in your
giving you total exibility to view any video source regardless of its resolution.
refined circuit design Only the top performing audio components were designed into your
SSP. e converter chips, passive components, op-amps, and analog power
supply are all best-in-class parts. Furthermore, the PCB (printed circuit board),
and pad material has been specically chosen to provide the best performance.
Even the routing of the traces is optimized to get the best performance out of the
circuit. Every detail is tested, every possibility exhausted, until we are content
with the results.
extensive listening tests Our experience has shown that great measurements alone do not guarantee
superb audio or video performance. For this reason, all Classé products are
laboriously ne-tuned during the development process by carefully controlled
usage tests. Every individual stage is evaluated and adjusted before the product
is released for production. As in the case with measured performance, actual
performance of every unit is veried as part of our production standard.
extraordinary longevity Because Classé has developed highly rened circuits over many years, we have
vast experience in what works well over the long term. Using this knowledge
base, along with quantitative results derived from highly accelerated life testing
detail and design allows us to manufacture products which stand the ultimate
Just as past Classé products have done for their owners, we are certain that
your new Surround Sound Processor will give you many years of continuous