3.1 About TT
The TT tracks and plots the movement of up to 100 radar targets and fully complies
with IMO standards for TT.
The TT automatically tracks an automatically or manually acquired radar target and
calculates its course and speed, indicating them with a vector. Since the data gener-
ated by the TT depends on the radar targets selected, the radar must be optimally
tuned for use with the TT, to ensure required targets will not be lost or unnecessary
targets like sea returns and noise will not be acquired and tracked.
Tracking accuracy is affected by course change. One to two minutes is required to re-
store vectors to full accuracy after an abrupt course change. (The actual amount de-
pends on gyrocompass specifications.)
The amount of tracking delay is inversely proportional to the relative speed of the tar-
get. Delay is approx. 15-30 seconds for the higher relative speed; approx. 30-60 sec-
onds for the lower relative speed. The following factors can affect accuracy:
• Echo intensity
• Radar transmission pulse length
• Radar bearing error
• Gyrocompass error
• Course change (own ship and targets)
3.2 How to Show, Hide the TT Display
Click the TT mode indication at the bottom-right position
to show [OFF] to hide the TT display, or [AUTO]*,
[MAN]* or [MAN/AUTO]* to show the TT display. You
can right-click the TT mode indication to show a context-
sensitive menu with the choices shown above. In this
case, click the applicable option.
* The indication shown depends on the setting of [TT
SELECT] in the [TT AIS] menu.