This chapter provides the information necessary for controlling chart features.
8.1 How to Browse Your Charts
You can view your charts using different positions and different scales. The basic tools
for browsing charts are the RANGE key, chart offcenter, and scroll.
RANGE - RANGE + and change the chart scale. (The scrollwheel also can change
the chart scale. Spin to change.) If true motion reset is active, ZOOM IN and ZOOM
OUT keep the relative position of your ship with respect to the display. If true motion
reset is off, ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT keep the relative position pointed by the cursor
with respect to the display. The system automatically chooses next larger or smaller
scale. If a chart with larger compilation scale is available at your current viewing posi-
tion, the message "Larger Scale Data Exists" appears
To relocate own ship position on the screen, put the cursor where desired on the
chart, right-click and select [Ship off center]. To return own ship position to the screen
center, right-click anywhere on the chart and select [Ship on center].
To scroll your chart, simply drag and drop.
8.2 How to Control Visibility of Chart Objects
The [Chart Display] menu has several pages of chart features that you may show or
hide as appropriate. To display this menu, click the [DISP], [SET] and [Chart DISP]
buttons on the InstantAccess bar, or open the menu and select the [Chart Display]
8.2.1 How to set value for shallow contour, safety depth, safety con-
tour and deep contour
You can set values for Shallow Contour, Safety Depth, Safety Contour and Deep Con-
tour, on the [Chart Alert] dialog box (sequence: [DISP], [SET], [Chart Alert]). Colors
used for depth presentation on the electronic chart are controlled by setting values for
Shallow Contour, Safety Depth, Safety Contour and Deep Contour. Soundings on the
electronic chart, which are equal to or less than the value of Safety Depth, are high-
lighted. See the illustrations on the next page for multi-color presentation and two-col-
or presentation. Selection of multi- and two-color presentations can be done by
selecting from list box of "Depths" on the [Chart] page of [Basic Setting] menu.