9.6.4 How to find AIO chart object information
Do the following to find chart object information contained in the AIO.
1. Click a red hatched area in the chart area to show the [Select Object] dialog box
for the area selected.
2. Click "AIO object" in the dialog box to show the [Chart object] dialog box.
The [Chart object] dialog box shows the following information:
• Cell (name)
• Drawing type (Preliminary Notice, Temporary Notice)
• Category (AIO)
• The preview box provides a scaled-down image of the area selected. Click the im-
age to enlarge it.
• The [Attribute] window shows the attributes for the AIO area selected. To find infor-
mation about an attribute, click it to show its information in the [Description] box.
Information: Description of area (for example, danger area).
Object name: Object name (number)
Pictorial representation: Associated diagram when applicable.
Textual description: Full text of the Notice to Mariners (NM).
ENC affected: ENC affected by the NM.