TTM - Tracked target message
VSD - UAIS Voyage static data
1 2 3 4 5
1. Total hex number of sentences need to transfer the message (1 - FF)
2. Hex sentence number (1 - FF)
3. Sequential message identifier (0 - 9)
4. Encapsulated trancked target data (6 bit binary-converted data)
5. Number of fill bits (0 - 5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13
14 15
1. Target number (00 to 999)
2. Target distance from own ship (0.000 - 99.999)
3. Bearing from own ship,degrees (0.0 - 359.9)
4. True or Relative (T)
5. Target speed (0.00 - 999.99, null)
6. Target course, degrees (0.0 - 359.9, null)
7. True or Relative
8. Distance of closet point of approach (0.00 - 99.99, null)
9. Time to CPA, min., "-" increasing (-99.99 - 99.99, null)
10. Speed/distance units (N=nm)
11. Target name (null)
12. Target status (L=Lost Q=Acquiring T=Tracking)
13. Reference target (R, NULL otherwise)
14. UTC of data (null)
15. Type of acquisition (A=Automatic M=Manual )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Type of ship and cargo category (0 - 255)
2. Maximum present static draught (0 to 25.5 meters, null)
3. Persons on-board (0 - 8191, null)
4. Destination (1 - 20 characters, null)
5. Estimated UTC of arrival at destination (000000.00 - 235959.99)
6. Estimated day of arrival at destination (00 to 31(UTC))
7. Estimated month of arrival at destination (00 to 12(UTC))
8. Navigational status (0 - 15, null)
9. Regional application flags (0 - 15)