21.1 Ship and Route Parameters
The purpose of the ship and route parameters is set the basic parameters for the ship.
These parameters are relative to ship steering and they are very important to get cor-
rect function of the integrated navigation system. They must be maintained carefully.
Modification requires a good knowledge of the parameters' importance.
Open the menu and select [Ship & Route Parameters] from the [General] menu to
show the [Ship & Route] page. Set each item referring to the description below.
Ship parameters description
MAX Speed: Maximum speed the ship can do.
MAX Height: Max. height of ship above sea level.
MAX Draught: Max. draught of ship.
Route parameters description
MAX R.O.T.: Indicate the maximum rate of turn of the ship.
Turn End Tolerance: Define the window for the detection of the end of turn. Typical
values are between 2 to 4 degrees.
WPT Approach*: Set the alert time before reaching the wheel over point.
WPT Prewarning*: Set the alert time before reaching the wheel over point. It should
be well in advance of the WPT approach alert time.
Start Limit*: Set the maximum acceptable approach angle against planned course to
start automatic route steering.
Default Line Radius: Define the default value of radius between waypoints during au-
tomatic route steering.
Default CH Limit: Define the default value of channel limit.
Default Safety Margin: Define the default value of extension for channel to be
checked against selected alerts.
Gyro Error: Enable/disable the gyro error compensation of set course during auto-
matic route steering.
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