Congratulations on your choice of the FURUNO FCR-21x9(-BB), FCR-28x9 Series Marine Radar.
We are confident you will see why the FURUNO name has become synonymous with quality and
Since 1948, FURUNO Electric Company has enjoyed an enviable reputation for innovative and
dependable marine electronics equipment. This dedication to excellence is furthered by our ex-
tensive global network of agents and dealers.
This equipment is designed and constructed to meet the rigorous demands of the marine environ-
ment. However, no machine can perform its intended function unless installed, operated and
maintained properly. Please carefully read and follow the recommended procedures for operation
and maintenance.
This radar series meets the requirements of IEC 62388 (Marine navigation and radiocommunica-
tion equipment and systems - Shipborne radar - Performance requirements, method of testing and
required test results) and IMO MSC.192(79), IMO Resolution A.817(19), and IEC 61174. This ra-
dar displays radar targets, electronic charts, nav lines, Tracked Target (TT) data, AIS targets and
other navigation data on a 23.1-inch display (FCR-28x9).
The main features of this series are
• The FCR-21x9
(-BB), FCR-28x9 series consists of the following models and configurations:
* Viewing distance: 1020 mm
Size of
Monitor Unit
FCR-2119(-BB) X-band Local supply 12 kW Antenna unit
FCR-2129(-BB) 25 kW Antenna unit
FCR-2139S(-BB) 30 kW Antenna unit
FCR-2819 X-band 23.1”* 12 kW Antenna unit
FCR-2829 X-band 25 kW Antenna unit
FCR-2829W X-band 25 kW Transceiver unit
FCR-2839S S-band 30 kW Antenna unit
FCR-2839SW Transceiver unit
• New HMI (Human Machine Interface) gives improved operability.
• Accepts SXGA, UXGA video inputs.
• SOLAS category 2 compatible display (320 mm). (Category 1 compatible display optionally avail-
• Radar, chart and chart radar modes. (The chart radar mode does not meet the criteria for naviga-
tion aid for Japanese flag vessels as defined by Japanese law.)
• Many warning features to support safer and more efficient navigation.
• Grounding warnings, safe depth contours.
• Chart database loaded and updated using CD-ROMs.
• Tracked Target (TT) data and AIS data to aid in collision avoidance.
• AIS messaging.
• Route created in chart mode can be displayed on the radar.
• Route planning and route monitoring facilities in the chart mode.