How to enable, disable automatic activation of AIS targets
Click the location circled in the figure below to select one of the following:
AUTO OFF: Disable automatic activation of AIS target by CPA.
AUTO ACT FILT: Activate AIS targets that fulfil the requirements set on the [CPA
AUTO ACT ALL: Activate all AIS targets within the CPA range set.
4.6 How to Sleep Targets
4.6.1 How to sleep an activated AIS target
You can "sleep" an activated AIS target as shown below when the screen becomes
filled with targets that might prevent important radar and AIS targets from being iden-
tified. The targets that have been activated automatically cannot be "slept."
From the Control Unit
Put the cursor on the AIS target to sleep then press the TARGET CANCEL key.
By the trackball module
RIght-click the AIS target symbol to show the context-sensitive menu. Select [Target
Cancel] followed by [Any] or [AIS Only].
4.6.2 How to sleep all activated AIS targets
Sleep all activated targets from the menu
1. Right-click the screen the show the context-sensitive menu.
2. Select [Target Cancel] and [Any] or [AIS Only] as applicable.
3. Click the AIS target to sleep.
Sleep all activated targets from the AIS box
Long-click the AIS status indication at the bottom-right position to display [FUNC OFF]
to deactivate the AIS function and sleep all AIS targets.