12.7 Route Bank
The route bank stores all the routes you have created. To show the route bank, do one
of the following:
In the Voyage planning mode, the waypoints of a route can be inserted into the route
currently selected.
1. Show the dialog box shown above.
2. Select the route for which you want to copy its waypoint(s) in the active route. For
example, select Route2.
3. At [Insert Position], select where you want to insert waypoints into the active route,
[Before] or [After] the waypoint selected in the next step. The [Reset] button re-
stores the route to the original condition.
4. In the left-hand column set the cursor on the waypoint where to insert waypoints
from the inactive route.
5. At the right-hand column, select the waypoint(s) to add to the active route. A con-
text-sensitive menu is available by right-clicking [WPT] in the inactive route. The
options available are [Select All], [Unselect] and [Reverse] (reverse the order of
the waypoints in the inactive route).
Voyage planning mode: [Planning], [Route], [Route bank] in [Route Plan] dialog box
Voyage navigation mode: [Route], [Select]
[Route Information] box: Click route name then select [Select Route].
15 Nov 2012
15 Nov 2012
13 Nov 2012
Route name
Date created or
Total distance of route
Position of final waypoint
Position of start waypoint
Total no. of waypoints