Before You Begin
Before You Begin
Two Ways to
Solve System
There are two ways to solve problems with the system:
1. Use the chapters in Part III of this manual to help identify
and possibly fix the problem yourself.
2. Contact your Digital service representative to diagnose and
fix the problem for you.
to Identify
Table 13–1 lists ways to identify problems, and indicates where
each method is described:
Table 13–1 How to Identify a Problem
To identify a problem this way... Refer to...
Using the troubleshooting
This chapter
Running diagnostic tests Chapter 14
Using the troubleshooting tables in this chapter is the easiest
and most direct approach to identifying and correcting a problem
with your system. Therefore, this is the method with which you
should begin.
The diagnostic tests described in Chapter 14 let you test specific
devices and provide information on the source of your problem.
13–2 Identifying a Problem