
The sequence of instructions the system uses to perform a task.
See also software.
programmable array logic (PAL)
A hardware device that can be programmed by a process that
blows individual fuses to create a circuit.
program mode
The state in which the computer is controlled by the operating
system. After the operating system is invoked, the system
always operates in program mode, unless you put it into console
mode. In program mode, the user can manage the system, run
software applications, and perform network tasks. Compare with
console mode.
A symbol or message displayed by a program or an operating
system, asking you to provide input.
A palm-sized device that slides on a tablet’s surface. The puck
and tablet together function as a pointing device. See also
pointing device and tablet.
rackmount enclosure
A type of system cabinet for which components are built to fit
into a metal frame.
random access memory (RAM)
Memory that can be both read from and written to and that
can randomly access any one location during normal operations.
The type of memory the system uses to store the instructions of
programs currently being run.
read-only memory (ROM)
Memory that cannot be modified. The system can use (read) the
data contained in ROM but cannot change it.