A method for checking the accuracy of data by calculating the
sum of the number of ones in a piece of binary data. Even
parity requires the correct sum to be an even number, odd parity
requires the correct sum to be an odd number. Compare with
error correction code.
A unique string of characters, numbers, or both that identifies
you to the computer.
password security feature
The feature that restricts access to certain console commands.
To use all console commands, users must enter a password.
A system enclosure that stands on a support or base, usually
positioned on the floor. Contrast with desktop and rackmount
peripheral device
An internal or external device that provides the central
processing unit (CPU) with additional memory storage or
communication capability. Examples are disk and diskette
drives, video terminals, printers, and expansion boxes.
PEX-based application
An application that runs on Software PEX (software PEX server).
Software PEX allows a three-dimensional (3D) application to run
without specialized 3D hardware.
Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System
application. An application that uses the PHIGS graphics
system and language to create two-dimensional (2D) and
three-dimensional (3D) images on the screen.
A CPU design technique whereby multiple instructions are
simultaneously overlapped in execution.