The geometric mean of the normalized results from the
benchmarks defined by SPEC. See also Standard Performance
Evaluation Corporation (SPEC).
Serial read-only memory. A device that loads a set of instructions
into the CPU to bootstrap the system at power-up.
standalone network
A network that starts and operates alone, without being
connected to another network.
standalone workstation
A workstation that starts and operates alone, without being
connected to another computer.
standard Ethernet network
See AUI Ethernet network.
Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC)
A nonprofit corporation formed to establish, maintain, and
endorse a standardized set of relevant benchmarks that can be
applied to the newest generation of high-performance computers.
startup procedure
The sequence of events that occurs when you supply power by
turning on the system or its components.
storage device
A device, such as a diskette or tape, capable of recording
storage expansion box
See expansion box.
strain relief strap
See universal strain relief strap.