
pointing device
A terminal input device that allows you to make a selection from
a menu or to draw graphics. See mouse and tablet.
A socket on the front or back of the system unit to which a
terminal, printer, modem or other device is connected.
port pin-outs
The description of the function of electronic signals transmitted
through each pin in a port connector.
power up
To initiate the sequence of events that starts the flow of electrical
current to a system or its components.
primary cache
The cache that is the fastest and closest to the processor. The
DECchip CPU contains an instruction cache and a data cache.
See also cache memory.
Privileged Architecture Library (PAL)
A set of software routines to implement architecturally-defined
behavior, such as memory management. See also PALcode.
privileged console commands
The commands allowed by the password security feature. See
also password security feature.
privileged console mode
The state the system is in when the password security feature
is enabled. When the system is in this mode, certain console
commands can be issued only after a password is provided.
Compare with local console mode. See also password security
A program currently using memory and running on the system.
processor module
A module that contains the CPU chip.