6. Press ↓ until the message AUTO LF=xxxx displays, where xxxx can be NO or YES.
If you want to select a value other than the one displayed, press ← or →.
7. To exit from Power On Configuration, press Menu/Enter. Your new value is
stored in NVM.
20 CPI
You can set the printer to allow 20 CPI condensed print from the data stream. For
more information, see “Shift In (SI) / Condensed Print” on page 190. You can set
this value to:
No (default) A combination of 12 CPI and a condensed print data stream
command (Shift In) sets the printer to 12 CPI.
Yes A combination of 12 CPI and a condensed print data stream
command (Shift In) sets the printer to 20 CPI.
To change or check the 20 CPI value:
1. Ensure the printer is powered off (O).
2. Press and hold Menu/Enter while powering on (|) the printer. The message
STARTING UP displays.
3. After start-up is complete, release Menu/Enter and the message PRINT OUT=NO
4. Press ↓ until the message SERIAL INTERFACE displays.
5. Press → until the message INTF=xxxxxxxxx displays, where xxxxxxxxx can be
SERIAL NO, RS-232C,orRS-422A.
6. Press ↓ until the message 20 CPI=xxx displays, where xxxx can be NO or YES.If
you want to select a value other than the one displayed, press ← or →.
7. To exit from Power On Configuration, press Menu/Enter. Your new value is
stored in NVM.
Note: Using NLQ reduces printer throughput by approximately 50%.
You can change the font for Near Letter Quality (NLQ) printing, available through
the operator panel Font key, to either of the following values:
v Courier (default)
v Gothic
To change or check the NLQ font value:
1. Ensure the printer is powered off (O).
2. Press and hold Menu/Enter while powering on (|) the printer. The message
STARTING UP displays.
3. After start-up is complete, release Menu/Enter and the message PRINT OUT=NO
4. Press ↓ until the message SERIAL INTERFACE displays.
5. Press → until the message INTF=xxxxxxxxx displays, where xxxxxxxxx can be
SERIAL NO, RS-232C,orRS-422A.
6. Press ↓ until the message NLQ=xxxxxxx displays, where xxxxxxx can be COURIER
or GOTHIC. If you want to select a value other than the one displayed, press ← or
98 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide