Note: If AUTO CR=YES is set in the Power On Configuration menu, the next print
position is print position 1 at the left margin. If AUTO CR=NO, the next print
position is the current print position.
Print Single Character (ESC |)
1B 5E
This control specifies that the next character to follow is to be interpreted as a
graphic character, including those characters that occur in the space normally
reserved for controls.
Continuous Overscore (ESC _)
1B 5F NN
This control turns on and off the continuous overscore function. All graphic
characters and spaces that are bounded by start and stop versions of this control
are overscored. White space caused by horizontal tabs is not overscored.
NN is a one-byte hexadecimal value that turns overscore on or off.
v If NN is 1, continuous overscore is on.
v If NN is 0, continuous overscore is off.
Relative Move Right (ESC d)
1B 65 N1 N2
This command moves the print position to the right (from the current position) in
increments of 1/120 of an inch.
Bytes N1 and N2 indicate the move distance based on the following:
(N1 + [N2 x 256])/120.
Relative Move Left (ESC e)
1B 64 N1 N2
This command moves the print position to the left (from the current position) in
increments of 1/120 of an inch.
Bytes N1 and N2 indicate the move distance based on the following:
(N1 + [(N2 x 256])/120.
Select Line Scoring (ESC [ -)
1B 5B 2D 02 00 N1 N2
This command selects underscore, strikethrough, and overscore. This command is
supported in Native 4247 and 2381 emulation modes only.
The values for N1 are:
X'01' Underscore
Appendix D. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) 207