
Double-Wide Continuous Mode, or Cancel Double-Wide Print with vertical
movement specified cancels the Shift Out control code.
Shift In (ESC SI) / Condensed Print
1B 0F
This control prints graphic characters in condensed pitch (17.1 CPI or 20 CPI).
Shift In is a buffer terminating control; if printable data at a different
character-per-inch setting is buffered, that data is printed before the setting is
changed. The current print position becomes the next printable column at the new
character-per-inch setting. CPI can be changed within a print line, and this control
changes the maximum number of characters that can be printed on one line.
A combination of 10 CPI and Condensed Print sets the printer to 17.1 CPI
regardless of the 20 CPI setting in the Power On Configuration menu.
A combination of 12 CPI and Condensed Print sets the printer to 20 CPI when
20 CPI=YES is set in the Power On Configuration Menu. A combination of 12 CPI
and Condensed Print sets the printer to 12 CPI when 20 CPI=NO is set in the Power
On Configuration menu.
Device Control 1 (ESC DC1) / Select or XON
1B 11
This control has different meanings depending upon the currently active interface.
v Parallel interface (Select): DC1 selects the printer.
v Serial interface (XON): DC1 is treated as a NUL if received from the host. The
printer sends DC1 (XON) to the host to control data pacing if XON/XOFF pacing
is selected.
Device Control 2 (ESC DC2) / Select 10 CPI
1B 12
This control sets 10 characters per inch. DC2 is a buffer terminating control; if
printable data at a different characters-per-inch setting is buffered, that data is
printed before the setting is changed. The current print position becomes the next
printable column at the new character-per-inch setting. CPI can be changed within a
print line.
Device Control 3 (ESC DC3) / Deselect or XOFF
1B 13
This control has different meanings depending upon the currently active interface.
v Parallel interface (Deselect): DC3 is treated as a NUL.
v Serial interface (XOFF): DC3 is treated as a NUL if received from the host. The
printer sends DC3 (XOFF) to the host to control data pacing if XON/XOFF pacing
is selected.
Appendix D. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) 195