Cancels the most significant bit (MSB) control.
Set Absolute Print Position (ESC $)
1B 24 N1 N2
This control specifies the distance that subsequent characters are to be printed
from the set left margin in 1/60 inch units. Where the total number of dots equals
N1 + (N2 × 256). If the position is beyond the right margin, the control is ignored
and the previous setting remains active. If the position is within the right margin,
subsequent characters will be printed at (N1 + [N2 × 256])/60 inches.
Select User-Defined Set (ESC %)
1B 25 NN 00
This control specifies the character set as default or user-defined. The following are
the values of NN:
0 Selects the default character set.
1 Selects the user-defined character set.
Define User-Defined Characters (ESC &)
1B 26 NN MM W0 W1 W2 D0 .. DN
This control allows the definition of special characters that are not present in the
character sets.
NN and MM are two decimal numbers that define the first and last characters to be
replaced in the character set in use. If you want to replace only one character, MM
must be equal to NN. Any value in the range of 0 to 127 is accepted, even code 32,
which is the space character.
W0, W1, and W2 are numbers that specify the width of the character and the space
around it. The space on the left of the character (in columns of dots) is specified by
W0; the space on the right of the character is specified by W2. W1 specifies the
number of columns of dots that must be printed to design the character.
The following table lists the maximum value for W0, W1, and W2:
Printing W0 + W1 W0 + W1 + W2
DP 9 12
NLQ at 10 CPI 35 36
NLQ at 12 CPI 29 30
Proportional 41 42
D0 .. DN is the data of the character that is printed. Three bytes are needed for
each column because it is composed of 24 dot positions. In this way, the number of
data bytes is W1 x 3. You can define a character in superscript or subscript. Two
bytes are needed for each column because it is composed of 16 dot positions. The
number of data bytes is W1 x 2.
Appendix E. Epson FX-1050 Data Stream 229