Control Hex Name
DC2 12 (92) Device Control 2 (Cancel Condensed Print)
DC3 13 (93) Device Control 3 (Parallel Deselect, Serial XOFF)
DC4 14 (94) Device Control 4 (Cancel Double-Wide Print)
CAN 18 (98) Cancel
SP 20 Space
DEL 7F Delete Character
Null (NUL)
This control terminates the Set Horizontal Tab and Set Vertical Tab control codes.
The printer ignores NUL by itself.
Bell (BEL)
This control causes the audible alarm to sound.
Backspace (BS)
This control moves the print position horizontally one character width to the left. If
the current print position is at the left margin, the printer ignores this command.
Horizontal Tab (HT)
This control moves the print position to the next horizontal tab stop. If there are no
tab stops to the right, or if the next tab stop is beyond the current right margin, the
control is ignored.
Line Feed (LF)
This control advances the paper one line. The horizontal position does not change
unless automatic carriage return mode is activated from the operator panel
Configuration menu. If the paper advance crosses the bottom margin, the printer
completes all deferred printing on the current page and then does an automatic
form feed.
If skip perforation mode is active and the bottom margin is crossed, the vertical
position on the new page following the automatic form feed will be the top-of-form
position. If skip perforation is not active, the vertical position on the new page is the
point immediately following the previous print line.
220 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide