
Unsupported Command Processing .................243
About This Appendix
If you are using the Epson FX-1050 data stream commands, you use the
commands in this appendix, as well as those in Appendix C. Native 4247
When the 4247 Printer is in Epson emulation mode, the printer can print files coded
for the Epson FX-1050 printer using the Epson ESC/P printer control language. Use
the Power On Configuration menu to select Epson FX emulation mode as the active
printer configuration.
Print Job Processing
There are no Epson FX-1050 controls that explicitly define print job boundaries. A
print job for the 4247 Printer is established by the host system and consists of any
set of related print objects. A print job could be as short as one character or could
be many pages long.
Program Configuration parameter values can be changed at any time; however, to
obtain predictable results, changes to operator panel configuration parameter values
should be made
the print job is sent to the printer and
the previous
print job has completed printing. Changing configuration parameter values while a
print job is in progress may cause unpredictable results.
IBM recommends the following to ensure that your print jobs run correctly:
v Establish a known print environment, and end any previous print job. Start each
print job with an Initialize Printer control. This control resets the printer
environment to the default settings. You can then set additional controls
depending on your print job environment.
v End each print job with a Form Feed control. This control causes all data to be
printed, and the current position is set to the top-of-form position.
v If a print job is abnormally terminated, the job should be canceled. To cancel a
print job:
Press Online to stop printing.
Stop the print job at the host computer.
Press Menu/Enter and then Online.
The print buffers are cleared and the printer is in an offline
not ready
state. Press
Online again to make the printer online and
Page Printing Concept
The 4247 processes print jobs in terms of pages, as well as in lines and columns. A
page is a logical entity whose boundaries are defined by the width and the page
length. These boundaries are established during printer initialization using the
printer defaults, and can be changed using the Configuration menu or by issuing
the appropriate data stream controls.
Appendix E. Epson FX-1050 Data Stream 217