
formula. The printhead will move (N1 + [N2 × 256])/120 inches relative to the
current print position. The control is ignored if it would move the printhead beyond
the page margins.
Set Letter Quality Justification (ESC a)
1B 61 NN
This control selects print justification according to the following values of NN:
0 Selects left justification
1 Selects center justification
2 Selects right justification
3 Selects full justification
1. Left justification is the default setting (NN = 0).
2. The commands HT and BS are valid only when left justification is active.
3. For full justification, there must be no carriage returns within a paragraph.
Select Vertical Tabs in Channels (ESC b)
1B 62 CH N1 N2..00
This control sets vertical tabs to channels selected by the Set Vertical Tab Channel
(ESC /) control. The value of CH is 0 through 7 and the value of N1 is 0 through
The distance of each tab stop from top of form is the current line spacing times the
number of lines given in N1.
If paper movement is commanded to a value of N1 greater than the page length,
the paper movement command is ignored. The values of N1 must be in ascending
order. If they are not, the sequence up to and including the out of sequence number
is ignored. Skip over perforation is ignored. You can clear any channel by sending
ESC b CH 0, where CH is the channel number.
Move Right n/120 (ESC d)
1B 64 N1 N2
This control spaces forward in 1/120s of an inch. To find the values for N1 and N2,
determine the required displacement in 1/120s of an inch. Send the resulting
number in the formula: N1 + (N2 X 256).
Move Left n/120 (ESC e)
1B 65 N1 N2
This control spaces backward in 1/120s of an inch. To find the values for N1 and
N2, determine the required displacement in 1/120s of an inch. Send the resulting
number in the formula: N1 + (N2 X 256).
Appendix E. Epson FX-1050 Data Stream 239