
Choosing a Forms Path for Special Forms
Note: IBM recommends selecting first the Front Push then the Rear Push as your
choices for forms paths.
The 4247 Printer can print on various sizes, dimensions, and weights of forms. IBM
recommends you test all forms for your application before ordering large quantities.
Use the following table when you are choosing which path to use for special forms
or paper.
Table 4. Selecting Forms Types
Forms Type
Manual Sheet
Feed Comments
Black-Back Forms X
Labels X X X X For Front Push, do not use Park
1-Part to 4-Part XXXX X
5-Part to 8-Part X X X X
Greater than 21 lb X X X X
Greater than 0.014 in.
Prenumbered Forms X X
Critical Registration X X Easiest to load in Front Push.
Set PERF SAFE=YES for 8-part
Form stock with stickon
card or form, or forms of
varying thickness
X X If multiple thicknesses on each
sheet, remove Paper Bail
Note: This printer does not support the following types of forms:
Greater than 8-part forms
Greater than 40 lb paper
Greater than 0.64 mm (0.025 in.) total forms thickness
Less than 15 lb paper
Less than 0.08 mm (0.003 in.) paper thickness
Other Considerations for Forms
Consider the following items, unless Table 3 on page 34 or Table 4 provides other
v IBM recommends you test the Park function when you intend to run multiple-part
forms. If you notice forms feed problems, disable the Park function, and use the
Push Pull forms path.
v When your printer is loaded with different forms in the Front Push and the Rear
Push tractors, your job (or the operator) can select the desired source and
alternate between the two paths. The operator will need to tear off the forms for
the path from which the printer is alternating.
v See “Chapter 8. Supplies, Forms, and Cables” on page 151 for recommended
paper weight and thickness.
Chapter 2. Considering Other Forms Paths 35