
Configuring E1 FrameLine Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Administrative commands and status information
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide 10-5
Admin-State profile
When you install the E1 FrameLine slot card, the MAX TNT or DSLTNT creates 20
Admin-State profiles; 10 are associated with the E1 lines and 10 are associated with the SCA
devices that do HDLC framing. Profiles are retained during card resets. The unit deletes these
profiles if you install a different type of card into a slot. You can also delete the profiles using
the Slot command with the r option.
The profile index is displayed as { shelf slot N }
An N value of 1-10 identifies a E1 line on the card.
An N value of 11-20 identifies an SCA on the card.
An SCA value of 11 is associated with line 1, an SCA of 12 with line 2, and so on.
Device-State profile
The TNT or DSLTNT creates a Device-State profile for each DS0 and each SCA when the E1
FrameLine slot card enters the up state.
You use the DS0-related profiles as you do the eight-port E1 slot card profiles.
You use the SCA related profiles as you do the Series56 II and III Digital Modem cards except
that setting the Reqd-State parameter to Down-Reqd-State when a call is active on that SCA
has no effect.
The profile index is { { shelf slot N } M }
An N value of 1-10 identifies a line on the card.
An N value of 11-20 identifies an SCA on the card.
An M value is the DS0 channel number. Its range is [1..32] for E1. For an SCA, M is
always 0.
Administrative commands and status information
You can maintain the E1 FrameLine slot card as you do the eight-port E1 card:
The Dircode and Show commands display the E1 FrameLine loads as
You can view the status of the SCAs with the HDLC command.
The line status is identical to the line status for the eight-port E1 card.
You can view the errors on each line by opening a session to the card and using the
E1-Stats command.
For more information about diagnostics on the E1 FrameLine card, see the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT Administration Guide.