Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-23
Configuring the DSLTNT
This example assumes the DSLTNT has already been configured with the following
• IP address of 192.1.1 4/24
• System name of idsltnt
To configure the DSLTNT for this example you must configure the following:
• A Connection profile for the remote device
• An IDSL profile
• A Frame Relay profile
• A static route to the gateway
Configuring a Connection profile for the remote device
To configure a Connection profile for the remote device:
1 Create a Connection profile for the Pipeline:
admin> new connection pipeline
2 Activate the profile:
admin> set active=yes
3 Set the encapsulation:
admin> set encapsulation-protocol=frame-relay
4 List the IP-Options profile:
admin> list ip-options
5 Enable IP routing for this Connection profile:
admin> set ip-routing-enabled=yes
6 Specify the Pipeline IP address:
admin> set remote-address=
7 List the FR-Options profile:
admin> list .. fr-options
8 Specify the name of the Frame Relay profile:
admin> set frame-relay-profile=idsltnt-fr
9 Specify the Frame Relay DLCI:
admin> set dlci=16
10 List the Telco options profile:
admin> list .. telco-options
11 Set the data service:
admin> set data-service=64K-clear
12 Specify that the connection uses nailed channels:
admin> set call-type=ft1
13 Write the Connection profile: