1-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Performing Basic Configuration
Introduction to basic configuration
Table 1-1. Basic TAOS unit configuration tasks
Section Description of task Related commands or parameters
“Connecting to a new unit” on
page 1-3
Connect the TAOS unit to a
terminal or workstation and an
Ethernet network.
“Configuring the shelf-controller IP
address on a nonredundant unit” on
page 1-4
Specify the date and time for the
TAOS unit system clock.
admin> set ip-address
“Setting the system date” on
page 1-5
Set the correct date and time with
the Date command.
admin> date ymmddhhmm
“Setting the system name” on
page 1-5
Specify the name of the TAOS unit.
This name is used for
System profile > Name
“Setting the log level” on page 1-5 Specify the level of event
information that the TAOS unit
displays at the console.
Log profile > Save-level
“Configuring a default gateway” on
page 1-6
Designate a default gateway so that
the TAOS unit can forward packets
for which it has no route.
IP-Route > gateway-address
“Configuring basic DNS
information” on page 1-6
Specify a Domain Name System
(DNS) server so that you can use
names instead of IP addresses to
reach IP hosts.
IP-global profile > Domain-name
IP-global profile >
IP-global profile >
“Pinging the TAOS unit from a
local host” on page 1-7
After configuring the TAOS unit
with its basic settings, you can use
Ping to verify that it is
communicating on the network.
“Recommended basic security
measures” on page 1-7
Before making the TAOS unit
accessible to users, Lucent
recommends that you configure
some basic security on the unit.
User > Password
Serial > Auto-Logout
Serial > User
IP-global profile >
IP-global profile>
SNMP profile