1-8 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Performing Basic Configuration
Recommended basic security measures
Changing the Admin password
A user who knows the password to the Admin level can perform any operation on the
TAOS unit, including changing the configuration. The Admin password is set to Ascend by
default. Lucent recommends that you assign a secret password immediately to prevent
unauthorized users from gaining access to the unit by means of the default password.
Following is an example of changing the Admin password:
default> auth admin
Password: Ascend
admin> read user admin
USER/admin read
admin> set password = secret
USER/admin written
Note that the Allow-Password permission is set to No in the Admin login. Although this
setting protects the unit’s passwords, it also prevents the Save command from storing
passwords in a configuration file. To save passwords in a configuration file, you can set
Allow-Password to Yes in the Admin profile, or you can create another User profile for the
purpose of backing up the unit and set Allow-Password to Yes in that profile.
Securing the serial port
By default, when users connect to the serial port on the shelf controller, they are logged in with
the Admin User profile. To secure the serial port with a username and password, proceed as
1 Read the Serial profile:
admin> read serial { 1 17 2}
2 Set the User profile to null:
admin> set user =
3 Set Auto-Logout to Yes:
admin> set auto-logout = yes
This setting automatically logs out the current User profile if the Data Terminal Ready
signal (DTR) is lost on the serial port.
4 Write the profile:
admin> write
Now users connecting to the serial port must supply a valid username and password for access
to the TAOS unit through the serial port.
Assigning a Telnet password
Lucent recommends that you assign a Telnet password, which can be up to 21 characters in
length, to prevent unauthorized Telnet sessions. A user who opens a Telnet session to the
TAOS unit is prompted to supply this password.