Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Obtaining status information about a MultiDSP card
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 6-5
A VoIP software license is required for MultiDSP support of the VoIP service. An additional
software license is required for support of real-time fax functionality.
VoIP functionalities, including real-time fax, are configured through the MAX TNT VoIP
For details about VoIP and MultiVoice configuration, refer to the MultiVoice for MAX TNT
Configuration Guide. In addition, see “Configuring a MultiDSP card” on page 6-6.
Obtaining status information about a MultiDSP card
Information can be displayed about all installed cards or only an installed MultiDSP card.
Displaying information about all installed cards
The show command displays the following information about currently installed slot cards,
including the MultiDSP card:
• Location of all installed cards by shelf number, slot number, and item or port number,
including the MultiDSP card
• Status of each card (for example, if the card is Up or Down)
• Type of cards currently installed
Note: The 48-port MultiDSP card is displayed with the name madd or madd-card. The
96-port MultiDSP card is displayed with the name madd2-card.
Use the show command to confirm that the MultiDSP card is listed as one of the installed
cards and is shown installed in the correct slot. For example, in a MAX TNT unit the command
displays the following information if the unit has only one shelf (shelf 1) and a 96-port
MultiDSP card is installed in slot 3:
admin> show
Shelf 1 ( standalone ):
{ shelf-1 slot-3 0 } UP madd2-card
Displaying information about an installed MultiDSP card
Use the show command with the MultiDSP card shelf number and slot number to display the
following information about a particular installed MultiDSP card:
• The card’s ports by shelf number, slot number, and port number
• Status of each port (for example, whether the port is Up or Down)
• The port service type (for example, modem)
Enter the show command, along with the shelf number and port number, to confirm that all
MultiDSP card ports are shown in the listing.
Note: For the 96-port MultiDSP card, the show shelf slot command displays
96 modems (ports). For the 48-port card, only the odd-numbered modems (1, 3, ..., 95) are
active. The modem -a command verifies that only 48 modems are available on the 48-port