17-24 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
admin> write
Configuring the IDSL profile
To configure the DSLTNT IDSL profile, proceed as in the following example:
1 Read the IDSL profile that the remote user is connected to. For example:
admin> read idsl {1 7 18}
IDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-7 18 } read
2 Enable the line:
admin> set line enabled = yes
3 List the configuration for the first channel:
admin> list line channel 1
[in IDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-7 18 }:line-interface:channel-con +
channel-usage = switched-channel
nailed-group = 0
4 Specify that the connection is nailed:
admin> set channel-usage = nailed-64-channel
5 Specify the nailed group. This group is referred to in the Connection profile for the remote
device so the DSLTNT can determine which interface to use for the connection:
admin> set nailed-group = 10
6 Configure the second channel as nailed and assign it the same group number. For example:
admin> list .. 2
[in IDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-7 18 }:line-interface:channel-con +
channel-usage = switched-channel
nailed-group = 0
admin> set channel-usage = nailed-64-channel
admin> set nailed-group = 10
7 Write the profile to save your changes:
admin> write
IDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-7 18 } written
Configuring the Frame Relay profile
To configure the Frame Relay profile:
1 Create a new Frame Relay profile:
admin> new frame-relay idsltnt-fr
2 Enable the profile:
admin> set active=yes
3 Assign the Frame Relay profile to a nailed-up group:
admin> set line nailed-up-group=10
This value must be the same as the IDSL nailed group number you configured in the IDSL
profile. The nailed group must be unique for each active WAN interface.
4 Write the profile: