Signaling System 7 (SS7)
SNMP support for SS7
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-23
SNMP support for SS7
The SS7 MIB (mgstat.mib) is implemented as a branch object with the main object,
mgGroup, linked into the Ascend enterprise MIB. For definitions and descriptions of objects,
see the mgstat.mib file distributed with TAOS 8.0.2 software.
An SNMP trap is supported for reporting the status of the link between SS7 media gateways
and the TAOS unit. The trap can be configured when an SS7 license is enabled. For a trap to be
generated when the trap condition occurs, SNMP traps must be enabled and the setting for the
trap condition must be enabled. For details about enabling traps, see the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT Administration Guide.
The following trap has been added to the Ascend enterprise traps:
megacoLinkStatusTrap TRAP-TYPE
VARIABLES { mgLinkName, mgOperStatus }
DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that operational status
of a media gateway control link has changed."
::= 42
Following is the relevant parameter in the Trap profile, shown with its default value, for
enabling the trap:
[in TRAP/""]
megaco-link-status-enabled = no
For example, the following commands enable the SS7 link-state trap:
admin> read trap example
TRAP/example read
admin> set megaco-link-status-enabled = yes
admin> write
TRAP/example written
Message with unrecognized
parameter was discarded
Unspecified internetworking event
Event Code Q.850 Definition
Parameter Specifies
Enable/disable trap generation of communication link status
between the SS7 media gateway and the TAOS unit. This trap
indicates that operational status of a media gateway control link
has changed from any state to the Up state or from Up state to any
other state. Changes to this parameter become effective when you
write the Trap profile.
The trap contains the name of the link, which is currently always
reported as default, and the new operational status.