Configuring Series56 II and III Modem and Hybrid Access Cards
Preventing Series56 II and III cards from delaying Frame Relay connections
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 5-5
Preventing Series56 II and III cards from delaying
Frame Relay connections
If the APX 8000 or MAX TNT has a Frame Relay datalink that uses a single nailed channel,
you must install Series56 II or Series56 III slot cards in lower-numbered slots than the Hybrid
Access (HDLC) slot cards, or dedicate the Series56 cards to modem processing by deleting the
Digital Call-Type profiles. Otherwise, you are likely to experience delays in establishing
Frame Relay connections. See Chapter 19, “Configuring Call Routing” for more information.
Hybrid Access card implementation
Each ISDN call, and each channel of a nailed session, requires an HDLC channel to process
the HDLC-encapsulated data received from or destined to a WAN interface. Because the
following cards require HDLC channels, you might need to install a Hybrid Access card in
your unit:
• Eight-port E1 card
• Eight-port T1 card
• T3 card
The Hybrid Acces card is supported on the DSLTNT. On an APX 8000 or MAX TNT unit,
Series56 II and III cards also provide up to 48 HDLC channels per card.