ProSecure Web/Email Security Threat Management (STM) Appliance Reference Manual
Performing Network and System Management 3-23
v1.0, September 2009
Configuring Date and Time Service
If you have used the Setup Wizard, you might have already configured the system date and time
settings; the System Date and Time screen allows you to modify these settings.
Configure date, time and NTP server designations on the System Date and Time screen. Network
Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol that is used to synchronize computer clock times in a network
of computers. Setting the correct system time and time zone ensures that the date and time
recorded in the STM logs and reports are accurate. Changing the time zone requires the STM to
restart to apply the updated settings.
To set time, date and NTP servers:
1. Select Administration > System Date and Time from the menu. The System Date and Time
screen displays.
The top of the screen displays the current weekday, date, time, time zone, and year (in the
example in Figure 3-13: Current Time: 2009-08-02 00:19:30).
2. Select the radio buttons, complete the fields, and make your selections from the pull-down
menu as explained in Table 3-8 on page 3-24.
Figure 3-13