5-5SectionR: Routing Table
Press the Enter Key to register the entered value and move the cursor to the
next field.
Item Meaning
PC ID Enter the PC ID of the node.
Use this field only when a PC ID is to be used. If a PC ID is
used, the network address and node address will be input
automatically (see page 124).
Network address Enter the network address of the node.
The setting range is between 0 and 127.
Network address 0 represents the local network (the
address of the network containing the node to which the
Controller Link Support Software is connected). (see note)
For CS1-series, CVM1, and CV-series PCs with multiple
Communications Units, specify the network address
Node address Enter the node address of the node.
The setting range is between 0 and 126.
Node address 0 represents the local node (the address of
the node to which the Controller Link Support Software is
Note For CVM1 or CV-series CPU Units manufactured before April 1996
(lot No.: jj46), always set routing tables. Specify in “Network ad-
dress” the value (other than 0) specified in the routing tables. Refer to
the Controller Link Units Operation Manual (W309) for details.
Press the F10 (End) Key to cancel the routing table transfer.
3. Press the F6 (Execute) Key. The Transfer Routing Table Menu will be dis-
“R: PC/Board → Computer” is used to read the routing tables set at the specified
node into the computer memory.
Note If routing tables are read from a node, the current routing tables in the memory
will be lost. If routing tables in the memory have been modified, a confirmation
window will be displayed when you attempt to read routing tables from a node.
To save the routing tables already in the memory, select “S: Save” from the Rout-
ing Table Menu to save them as a file.
1, 2, 3... 1. Select “R: PC/Board → Computer” from the Transfer Routing Table Menu. If
routing tables in the memory have been modified, a confirmation window will
be displayed. Press “Y” to continue or press “N” to cancel the processing,
and then press the Enter Key.
If routing tables in the memory have not been modified or “Y” is pressed to
continue, routing table read will start.
If the routing table read terminates normally, the following window will be dis-
Reading Routing Tables
from a Node —
R: PC/Board → Computer