
5-12SectionK: Connection Information
Node Display Order
The node information in the Network Configuration Screens can be displayed in
either of the orders given below.
Display order Description
Node address order Displays information based on the
network participation status recorded in
specified nodes in increasing order of
node address.
Nodes for which the network
participation status is to be read are
specified while the display order is
connection order. For this reason, when
this Network Configuration Screen is
displayed for the first time after starting
up the Controller Link Support Software,
only the information for the node to
which the Controller Link Support
Software is connected will be displayed.
Connection order Displays information starting with the
specified node in order of connection
(i.e., going in the direction of the SL2
connector side of the specified node).
Pairs of connectors (SL1/SL2) that are
connected are indicated by the same
color. When this Network Configuration
Screen is displayed for the first time after
starting up the Controller Link Support
Software, the node to which the
Controller Link Support Software is
connected will be displayed at the top of
the screen.
Display Example
Display order Frame Information Screen Connection Information Screen
Node address order
Connection order
Reading and Displaying Information from Nodes
The way in which the information displayed in the Network Configuration
Screens is read from the nodes, is given below.
Reading Process
The information is obtained according to the following process.
1, 2, 3... 1. Reading the Connection Mode from the Base Node
This is performed by sending the CONTROLLER DATA READ command. If
not in token ring mode, an error will occur, and an error message will be dis-