5-3SectionL: Data Link
2. Specify the address of the Controller Link Network containing the nodes for
which data link tables are to be compared. Enter the network address with
Numeric Keys, then press the Enter Key.
When the Enter Key is pressed, the software will check the nodes on the
specified network and display only the nodes that exist in the network and
for which the number of nodes specified in the data link table in the memory
is not 0. These nodes will be displayed in ascending order of node address.
When node addresses are displayed, YES will be displayed at each node
address to represent the target nodes for comparison.
3. Select the nodes to be excluded from comparison. Use the Cursor Keys to
move the cursor to the node to be excluded from comparison, then press the
Enter Key. YES will be erased to deselect the node.
To reselect a node for comparison, move the cursor to the node unmarked
with YES, then press the Enter Key again.
YES will be displayed to reselect
the node.
4. After specifying all the target nodes for comparison, press the F6 (Execute)
Key. The transfer results screen will be displayed and data link table com-
parison will start. Comparison will be performed in ascending order of node
To cancel the comparison, press the F9 (Cancel) Key.
During comparison, “Wait” will be displayed in the lower part of the screen
and the progress of processing will be displayed for each node.
If a comparison error is detected in a node, the node address and the execu-
tion results will be highlighted.