5-3SectionL: Data Link
window will be displayed. Press “Y” to continue or press “N” to cancel the
process, then press the Enter Key. If data link tables in the memory have not
been modified or “Y” is pressed to continue, the following window will be dis-
played to prompt you to specify the target nodes.
2. Specify the address of the Controller Link Network containing the nodes
from which data link tables are to be read. Enter the network address with
Numeric Keys, then press the Enter Key. When the Enter Key is pressed, the
nodes on the specified network will be checked and displayed in ascending
order of node address.
When node addresses are displayed, all nodes will be marked with YES,
which represents the target nodes for reading.
3. Specify the nodes that are to be excluded from read processing. Use the
Cursor Keys to move the cursor to the nodes to be excluded from reading,
then press the Enter Key. YES will be erased to deselect the node. To rese-
lect a node for reading, move the cursor to the node unmarked with YES,
then press the Enter Key again. YES will be displayed to reselect the node.
4. After specifying all the target nodes for reading, press the F6 (Execute) Key.
The transfer results screen will be displayed and data link table read proces-