Appendix A
Error Messages
Error message Cause Action to be taken
1st page The displayed screen is the first screen. There are no more screens before this
A required file could not be
found. Please reinstall.
The required file has not been installed
or damaged.
Reinstall the file.
Address range err The specified bit or word address is
Check the PC model and specify the
correct address.
Cannot join network The local node is not participating in the
Check the node participation status of
the network.
Can’t write The specified area is read-only. Check the specified area.
Comm err Communications were not executed
Check the communications cables.
DataLink active – can’t run Cannot be executed because the data
links are active.
After stopping the data link, execute
DataLink internal setting The data links are set to automatic
Set the data link to optional setting.
DataLink stopped – can’t run Cannot be executed because the data
links are inactive.
After starting the data link, execute
DataLink table err – can’t run Cannot be executed because the data
link table has not been registered.
Register the data link table.
Drive device err The specified drive does not exist.
The floppy disk has not been formatted.
Check the drive name of the data disk,
memory card, or hard disk.
Format the floppy disk before saving the
Echoback comm err The network has communications
Check the network.
EEPROM error Data in the EEPROM in the Controller
Link Unit or Controller Link Support
Board is damaged.
Reset the data link tables, network
parameters, and routing tables.
Executing – Can’t run PC is in monitor or run mode. Change the PC mode to program mode.
FAT is destroyed The floppy disk, memory card, or hard
disk is corrupted.
Replace the floppy disk, memory card, or
hard disk.
File access error The floppy disk file cannot be read or
Re-create the data to be read or written.
File does not exist The specified file does not exist on the
specified data disk, memory card, or
hard disk.
Press the F8 (Files) Key to display the
file name list, and check the file name.
File error The floppy disk, memory card, or hard
disk has an error.
Use a new floppy disk, memory card, or
hard disk after formatting them.
Floppy not loaded No floppy disk, memory card, or hard
disk exists in the specified drive.
Insert a floppy disk or memory card in
the specified drive or check the specified
drive name.
Insuff disk capacity The data disk, memory card, or hard disk
capacity is insufficient.
Prepare another floppy disk or memory
Invalid table The data link table has not been set
Set the data link table correctly.
Last page The displayed screen is the last page. There are no more screens after this
Network does not exist The specified network does not exist. Check the specified network address
and specify the correct network address.