3-2SectionBasic Operations
3-2-4 Selecting a File from the File List Screen
The Controller Link Support Software allows you to display a list of files in a di-
rectory and select one of the files. This will save you the trouble of entering file
names and also prevent entry mistakes.
Displaying a File List
The F8 Key serves as the “Files” Function Key as shown below and allows you
to select a file from the file list. File lists can be displayed in any window where the
F8 Key has “Files” displayed for it.
Selecting from a File List
1, 2, 3... Specify in the file name entry field the directory for which the file list is to be
displayed. Enter a file name with Alphanumeric Keys, the Insert Key, the De-
lete Key, and the Backspace Key.
The character string before the last backslash (\) is treated as a directory
name. When the window is first displayed, the directory specified in “Data
disk drive” of the “System setup” Menu is displayed.
In this example, C:\CLK\DATA is treated as the directory name.
Press the F8 (Files) Key.
A list of files in the specified directory will be displayed.
Select a file.
Use the Cursor Keys to move the cursor to a desired file, then press the En-
ter Key. Subdirectories are displayed as <DIR> in the “Size” column. Select-
ing a subdirectory displays a list of files in the subdirectory.
Selecting a file will return you to the original screen. The specified file name
will appear in the file name entry field.
Example: Selecting LINE3.CLK