1-1SectionAbout the Controller Link Support Software
1-1-2 Functions
The functions of the Controller Link Support Software are outlined in the follow-
ing table.
Function Explanation
Data link management Creates and edits data link tables for manually set data
links, registers data link tables at nodes, saves data link
tables as files, and performs other processing related to
data links.
Network parameter
Adjusts network communications parameter settings to
provide the most suitable Controller Link
communications for the user application.
Routing table
Creates and edits routing tables, registers routing tables
at nodes, and saves routing tables as files. Routing
tables are used to specify data communications paths
when data is transferred to/from remote FA networks.
(See note.)
Communications testing Checks whether the Controller Link Network is working
Status display Displays the network and node status, data link status,
error logs, and so on.
Maintenance Backs up the contents of the EEPROM in the Controller
Link Unit or Controller Link Support Board as a file and
restores the file to the EEPROM.
Connection information
Reads node configurations and the status of networks.
(Only available for Optical Ring Networks.)
PC ID editing Assigns a unique ID to each PC. Using PC IDs allows
easier PC management than using network and node
System setup Sets the communications parameters for the Controller
Link Support Software, the PC to be connected, the
service conditions for the Controller Link Support
Software, and so on. These must be set before the
Controller Link Support Software is connected to a node.
Note Other FA networks, such as Controller Link Networks, SYSMAC NET
Networks, and SYSMAC LINK Networks, can be inter-connected.
1-1-3 Additional Functions
The following functions were added to the Controller Link Support Software for
when upgrading from Ver. 1.1j to Ver. 2.00.
• Optical Ring Controller Link Networks
Connection configuration data for Optical Ring Controller Link Networks can
be read using the Connection Information Menu. In addition, since an Optical
Ring Network can have up to 62 nodes, the maximum number of nodes for
which each menu’s functions can be used has been increased to 62 (from 32
with Ver. 1.10).
• CS1-series PCs
This version of the Controller Link Support Software can be directly connected
to, and used with, CS1-series PCs.
• Saving and Printing of Error Log Files
Error logs read from specified nodes can be saved to files, and this data can be
read from the file and displayed. The error log data saved to files in this way,
can be displayed and edited using a standard text editor, and used in other
applications. It can also be printed out.