Appendix E
Editing the Device Information Setting File
Controller Link Support Software Version 1.0j does not display the latest PC models in the model list when “I: De-
vice Info set” is selected from the Data Link Menu. In this situation, these new PC models can be registered in the
Controller Link Support Software by editing the device information setting file (CLKTYPE.TXT) with a text editor.
This Appendix describes the contents of the device information setting file and the procedure for registering the
latest PC models in the file.
About Device Information Setting File
The device information setting file (CLKTYPE.TXT) contains the following information for each PC model.
• Maximum number of data link words per node
• Maximum number of words in the CIO relay area
• Maximum number of words in the link relay (LR) area
• Maximum number of words in the data memory (DM) area
• Maximum number of words in the extended data memory (EM) area
• Maximum number of banks in the extended data memory (EM) area
The Controller Link Support Software checks the data link tables and data consistency according to the contents of
the device information setting file.
Note The device information setting file (CLKTYPE.TXT) resides in the directory in which the Controller Link Sup-
port Software was installed.
Editing the Device Information Setting File
A new PC can also be temporarily registered by setting “Others” in “I: Device Info set” in the Data Link Menu. In this
case, however, the maximum number of banks and words that can be handled by the Controller Link Support Soft-
ware will be registered, and so it will not be possible to perform checks based on the actual PC model. In order to
check data link tables for PCs that are added with the Controller Link Support Software, it is necessary to edit the
device information setting file in the way shown below.
Note The device information setting file (CLKTYPE.TXT) is a text file and can be edited using any text editor.
Contents of Device Information Setting File
The contents of the Controller Link Support Software’s device information setting file (CLKTYPE.TXT) are as
shown below.
11:CLK Board=32000,65535,65535,65535,65535,16